Our hands are the most useful tool in our daily life… They create and touch the whole world around us. A manicure that highlights our beauty and elegance is all they need to shine every day and give us an air of confidence and elegance.

At “Mano” this is the easiest goal. Because for 9 years, we have been pampered every day, with the esthetics and health of our limbs in mind, giving us the luxury and care we deserve.

“Mano” is the absolute paradise of the treatment of the limbs, because it combines an environment designed in the right way and years of experience, so as to turn a visit there into the absolute appointment of the week.

Nails speak louder than words

Our limbs speak every day… They bear witness to the cleanliness, the elegance, the aesthetics that characterize us. At “Mano” they know this well and have made the manicure service a high art, giving us the ultimate experience of beauty and well-being.

Here are all the modern care techniques, an endless palette of colors, all with the signature of leading companies, which responds in the best way to our choices, depending on the season and our aesthetics.

“Mano” Pedi – the most relaxing and pampering experience

Our feet never rest! The most beneficial experience we can give them is a careful pedicure, which generously offers us rest and well-being and provides us with immediate relief from our suffocating everyday life. Let’s travel to a world of absolute relaxation and peace and let’s give ourselves, the absolute luxury that we deserve!

A girl is not complete without her Brows!

It is no coincidence that our eyebrows dominate the center of our face! They require either daily care from us, or simply a visit to “Mano”.

At “Mano” we can find the top services of brow lamination, which will straighten our whole face and “Henna Tattoo”, which gives us a more attractive look, restoring the color of our skin and eyebrows.

Goodbye Mascara, hello lashes!

Daily makeup, in the eyelash area, requires special attention to the materials we use. The ultimate solution is provided by “Mano” with lashlift and lashbotox services, which make our eyelashes look richer, giving us a completely seductive look.

At “Mano” beauty and wellness go to another level! For all of us who need a confidence boost, a visit to “Mano” is the ultimate experience!